For student advocacy work and outreach, serving as a mentor for first-generation and students of color in their transition to college, and providing academic, social and cultural support for such programs; For leadership and educating students, staff, and the beloved community on campus in fundraising efforts for Global Service Learning and Global Border Crossing initiatives; For advocacy and leadership as the president of the Providence Immigrant Rights Coalition student club, fighting for students from immigrant families on campus; For scholarship, community engagement, leadership, and service to others that have advanced principles of social justice, advocacy, equality, and human rights, which Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. embodied; For these reasons and many more, Providence College and the MLK Vision Awards Committee is proud to honor Christina Roca with the 2021 MLK Vision Award.
Throughout her time at Providence College, Christina Roca ’21 has been involved in student advocacy work. She has been a dream coach for the Transitions Pre-Orientation program for the past three years, serving as a mentor for first-generation and students of color in their transition to college. She was a co-facilitator of a global service-learning course, Global Border Crossings in Tijuana, Mexico, during Spring 2019. Roca not only helped lead the class but also spearheaded fundraising efforts and facilitated on-site reflections.
In the Fall of 2019, she studied abroad in Rabat, Morocco, through the School for International Training’s Migration and Transnational Identity Program. As president of the Providence Immigrant Rights Coalition student club at PC, Roca works with fellow members as an advocate for students on campus who are from immigrant families. At the end of her junior year, she was inducted into the Alpha Kappa Delta Sociology Honor Society.